Tony Cooper Blog

Why I Write 0

Why I Write

I was recently asked in a mini questionnaire for a convention website (True Believers FYI), “What’s your favourite thing about what you do?”, and it took me a while to think of an answer....

I need a beta 0

I need a beta

Hey there, just a heads-up that I will be looking for Beta Readers towards the end of June. What’s a “beta reader?” I hear you ask? Well, it’s someone who gets a very early...

Defying convention 0

Defying convention

Had a great time at The Birmingham Comics Festival on Saturday. Met loads of new folks and said “Hi!” to some familiar exhibitors. First time with my new banner stand too. I saw quite...

Hire me! 0

Hire me!

Just to let you know I have added a “Hire Me!” page with links to relevant resources. I won’t repeat what’s already there, and I’ve alread blogged more detail in this post, but if...