Entire game creation process – Intro

I'm the kind of person that needs a constant push to get anything done. I do have motivation, it just needs cranked up every now and again. So to that end, and to hopefully provide some sort of content on this blog I've decided to:
1) Create a game, and
2) Document the whole process here from concept to prototype to design to programming to art to (hopefully) finished game
And when I say documenting everything, I mean everything. Design notes (even the crap stuff) discussing what I came up with, discounted and decided to use, planning game logic, how I'm going to program various parts of it, concept art and actual game assets, project planning, audio creation all the way to final marketing and release.
The fact I will have to update this blog weekly with my progress will hopefully spur me on to make progress with the game, which will spur me to update the blog again in a nice happy feedback loop!
Previous attempts to create a game on my own have had me burning the 3am oil every other night for 2 weeks, getting to a sometimes pretty advanced stage, and then getting tired and giving up. If being a one-man game designer/creator means anything, it means prioritising and not overloading yourself with work. That is the surest way to burn yourself out and destroy your enthusiasm.
So, I've picked one of my designs which I believe is doable on my own design and asset-wise, and I'm going to be focussing on that, perhaps 2-3 nights per week. I'll update the blog on Monday or Tuesday night with my progress. So here goes – wish me luck!

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