Reworked and re-happied!

Spent a good few hours over the last week restructuring the final third of Killing Gods. I’m not having any problems with the actual writing of it, but I was never happy with how the last section was going to pan out (luckily I’ve not written much of it yet).

So I dropped an entire location with its linking chapters, moved other chapters around it to make sure it made narrative sense again and added in a couple of new smaller chapters to fit things together better. Overall it’s shorter than it was going to be, but will still hit about the same word count as Powerless (~125k).

The main thing is I’m much happier with it now. There’s less faffing about all over the place, and the anti-hero group actually gets a bigger page count out of it, which allows me to expand on them a bit more. I was worried they were a little thin on description, just being ‘angry people needed for the plot’, but they should now be more rounded characters with a clearer motivation.

I’ve also worked out how two of the supporting characters fit into things better, making their stories much more satisfying. So yeah, lots more characters, locations, motivations and character development going on in this one. Fun to write, a pain to fit together 🙂

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