Tony Cooper Blog

Powerless on Lulu

Powerless on Lulu

No, not that Lulu you fools! Lulu the print-on-demand book service. It’s currently 25% off and you can get it here! By the way I have been listing my book on both Lulu and...

Powerless is #17 on Amazon!

Powerless is #17 on Amazon!

Not #17 overall, that would be truly incredible 🙂 but #17 on the top 100 paid Superhero Graphic Novels on the UK store. While not a graphic novel it was the best fit category...

Self-publishing in the news

Self-publishing in the news

Spotted these two articles about self-publishing on major news sites recently: – BBC – Do you have the right stuff to be a novelist – Guardian – Piracy is yesterday’s worry for today’s ‘artisan...

Smashwords interview

Smashwords interview

Not me, but Mark Coker the chap who runs Smashwords (whom I use to distribute my books to Kobo, B&N, Sony etc.) had a short interview with US radio station NPR all about self-publishing...

POWERLESS Cover revealed

POWERLESS Cover revealed

Forget what you saw below! Immediately! That’s so old. This however, this is new and imminent to boot: POWERLESS is coming out over course of the next few days across all your favourite ebook...

‘Powerless’ to be released in January

‘Powerless’ to be released in January

I will finally be releasing my debut novel ‘Powerless’ in January! It is written, edited, spell and grammar-checked, formatted for ebooks and all ready to go apart from the cover which I will be...