“The Murder Club” Kickstarter is live!
The Murder Club Kickstarter has gone live! Go have a look now If you are going to pledge (and many thank-yous if you are!) I would love it very much if you could...
Science Fiction Author
The Murder Club Kickstarter has gone live! Go have a look now If you are going to pledge (and many thank-yous if you are!) I would love it very much if you could...
Oh yes indeed! Follow this link to have a preview of the whole Kickstarter campaign for The Murder Club. ‘Like’ the campaign to be notified when it goes live (30th May), and any and...
I can announce today that The Murder Club is coming to Kickstarter on the 30th May. I am looking to raise £900 for printing 200 graphic novels and postage of rewards (+ Kickstarter...
Yes indeed! I have planned out what I’m going to be doing next in terms of personal work, and have decided to share my plan with you so you can shame me later when...
Hello all! Yes, Eastercon 2017 is finally here – from the 14th-17th April I will be at the Hilton Metropole hotel at the NEC in Birmingham. I will have a table in the dealer’s...
I am very happy to announce that I have managed to get a table for this year’s Thought Bubble Festival! Thought Bubble is the UK’s premier comics and comic art festival, with a curated...
It’s Smashwords annual Read An Ebook Week and two of my ebooks are on sale till 11th March: POWERLESS – When the best friend of a retired superhero is killed by another power, Martin...
I’ve had this blog for nearly 10 years now – my first post was in June 2006 and yes, it was a boring “Hello world!” article. Back then it was mostly about videogames and...
Following on from the post about my 2016 sales figures, I thought I’d share some other self-publishing insights I’d made in the last year or so. A KDP Select quirk that cut my income...
First things first: Happy New Year to one and all! Now that’s out of the way, it’s time to delve into some sales figures. I have done this twice before, in 2013 and...