Finally on all stores

It’s taken a while for some of them, but POWERLESS is now in every ebook store on the Earth! The latest additions are the Sony eReader store and Google Play.

If you’re interested, I’m close to selling 100 digital copies across all stores which is not bad for a debut book with only word-of-mouth to grease its wheels. It’s been bouncing around the top 20 Superhero Graphic Novels category since this time in March, hitting #1 for at least 5 days and is consistently in the top 20,000 in the Kindle Store overall.
Dropping the price to 99p helped a great deal, naturally. Good thing I’m not into writing to make money! For me, it’s the number of people that read and (hopefully) enjoy my books that make it worthwhile. And of course, the more people who buy means the more cash for me to enable me to write more – it becomes one great virtuous circle 🙂

Ultimately I would like to give up my day job and write full time, but for now the POWERLESS sequel is being worked on in the evenings and a few snatched lunchtimes on my laptop. Oh yes, did I mention the sequel? More info to come…

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1 Response

  1. David Angel says:

    Great news Tony! Hope you have loads of sales as so many would find the book compelling. Very glad you have begun work upon sequel.