It’s a lovely world
I was at the World of Love indie games conference last Friday (25th June) and I have a head full of ideas and thoughts and comments ready to spill out when they are slightly more...
Science Fiction Author
I was at the World of Love indie games conference last Friday (25th June) and I have a head full of ideas and thoughts and comments ready to spill out when they are slightly more...
Bombarded. And pleasantly confused. Like an old man at a Playboy hottub party who can’t remember his name. That’s my overall feeling seeing the all the news, videos and screenshots being disgorged from the...
I got myself a PS3 Slim a few weeks back (yeah I know, I’m always at the head of technology) along with copies of Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain. Not played that much of...
I’m sure all of you bought the Humble Indie Bundle last week (if not, shame :), and it’s still on sale!), which raised over $1million for charity, indie developers and the EFF. It was...
Nothing deep or meaningful to say in this post really, just wanted to bring some useful website to your attention: The first is RockPaperShotgun – a PC games blog run by several well-respected games...
I know we’ve all been battered over the head by developers (large and independant) telling us that the best way to start making games is to start small, but don’t you just want to...
Well, reported today (although apparently the details have been known for a while, slow news day perhaps?) have been the details of the Unreal Development Kit (UDK) commercial licencing terms. In brief (focusing on indie game...
You probably heard Cevat Yerli (CEO of Crytek) talking about the ‘end of free demos’ last week, if not here’s a link to the interview. None of his comments make any sense to me. Let’s...
I’ve been thinking about ‘piracy’, filesharing and the like a lot recently as I approach starting my own indie games company. Obviously it’s a concern for any media business as to how your game/ebook/movie/music...
Yup, still going, just not been updating as I’m changing the game engine I’m using. I’m moving from 3D Game Studio to Unity as I prepare myself to go full time indie! Oh yes, no more...