Tagged: powerless

Killing Gods: Martin, Hayley & Maria 0

Killing Gods: Martin, Hayley & Maria

This is the first of a series of character and group updates for my new book Killing Gods (the sequel to Powerless) which is out on the 22nd July. Please note some minor SPOILERS may apply for...

BC Expo this weekend

BC Expo this weekend

Right, I think I’m all prepared for the Bristol Comics Expo this weekend. I’ve made myself a checklist so hopefully I won’t forget anything. And yes, I’ve got ‘Tea’ on the list, that’s how...

The Powerless Bible

The Powerless Bible

Now that I’ve finished the first draft of Killing Gods I’ve decided to create a ‘Bible’ for the Powerless universe. I have a terrible memory at the best of times, yet for some reason...

My current writing plans

My current writing plans

I like to have vague plans. They are planny enough that, should anyone ask, I can tell them what I’m going to be doing with my spare time for the next few years. But...

Read an ebook week 2nd-8th March

Read an ebook week 2nd-8th March

Starting today is International Read An Ebook Week, and I have enrolled Powerless! From the 2nd to the 8th March, it will be completely FREE with the promotional code RW100. So either pop along...