Tagged: powerless

Life has begun 0

Life has begun

I’ve been quiet on here recently for reasons so dull I won’t bore you with them. However I will update you with what I’ve been doing that’s relevant to writing. I’m writing Powerless book...

What’s next? 0

What’s next?

Right, so I’ve been planning out the third book and it looks like it’s going to be pretty big. 86 chapters on first pass, although I think I can combine a few of those...

Kindle Nation Daily promotion 0

Kindle Nation Daily promotion

Today, Powerless is being promoted at Kindle Nation Daily on their website and Facebook page. At the moment it’s $0.99/£0.76 on Amazon (and everywhere else FYI), so go grab yourself a copy – after all you’ll...

Starting work on book #3 0

Starting work on book #3

With Powerless 2nd Revised edition and Killing Gods 1st edition now out (and the mad self-publishing and promotional scramble around them having calmed down) it’s time for me to focus on the next book in...