Tagged: writing

Finishing a novel feels weird

Finishing a novel feels weird

I’m coming close to the end of the first draft of Killing Gods and I’m getting the same feeling I had at the same point with Powerless, an odd sense of “oh well then”....

Killing Gods first draft nearly done

Killing Gods first draft nearly done

Yes, I’m well aware I’m tempting fate by writing that post title, but I think it’s almost there. Funny thing is I’m nowhere near my 120,000 word target. No particular reason for that choice,...

My current writing plans

My current writing plans

I like to have vague plans. They are planny enough that, should anyone ask, I can tell them what I’m going to be doing with my spare time for the next few years. But...

Reworked and re-happied!

Reworked and re-happied!

Spent a good few hours over the last week restructuring the final third of Killing Gods. I’m not having any problems with the actual writing of it, but I was never happy with how...

Too much TV!

Too much TV!

Why does all the good TV get squeezed into the Autumn/Winter seasons? I guess they think everyone is inside keeping warm and out of the dark nights, but it’s not like we suddenly have...

You gotta have a system!

You gotta have a system!

It’s been painfully slow on book two of the Powerless series, and I only just realised why: I had changed the way I was writing. For Powerless I would write a paragraph here, a...